Progress Report March 2020:
A very busy but also interesting first month is just finishing for the newly formed Laser Class. As an interim executive secretary, I would like to keep people informed about what is going on and on what projects we are currently working:
- On March 9 we formally created the class according Swiss legislation
- As also announced on our website an advisory group was formed and currently this group, enlarged by some volunteer members of the class are intensely working within 3 workgroups
- Technical – this workgroup is working on all the technical documents
- Communication and constitution – this workgroup is working on our communication pathway as well as a proposal for a constitution, which then will be approved by our members, latest during our first annual general meeting to be held in September during our Laser Series event on Lake Garda
- Events – this workgroup is intensely working to come up with a calendar for this years events, you can imagine that this is not easy given the current situation around the globe.
- As a follow up for those workgroups we meet (over the phone) at least once per week to review progress and agree on next steps
- We update our website and social media continuously
- We are working on the application to become a recognized class at world sailing during this years annual meeting in November
- We communicate intensely with individual members, clubs and districts